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Don't miss our coming events:



Backpack Blessing

As school kick off the first day of new school year, we, faith community, want to send our kids and teahcers back to school with the blessing back pack tag. Come and join us to pray for all students and teachers. 


Sunday Worship: 10:15

Zion Sanctuary

Life is better shared…especially in a Christ-centered community. Wednesday Small Group team invites you to eight-week session of small group journey toward life-changing experience. Its larger purpose is for participants of the group to embrace meaningful relationships with their fellow Christ followers and to continuing to meet together, lifting each other up, pushing each other forward, and sending each other out—indefinitely. 


Sep. 21. 2016 - Nov. 9. 2016​ / 7:00 pm / Zion 

Participant Book $ 10.04

21      9

SEP - Nov 8weeks

ONE: A Small Group Journey Toward Life-Changing Community​

More Information Here



World Communion Sunday

Around the globe, countless gifted and qualified people face financial obstacles that hinder them from preparing for the vocation God has given them, especially youth and young adults. For ethnic students who will be the first generation in their families to attend college, or for those people of color who haven’t historically had access to resources that make higher education possible, the road toward education has often been unwieldy.


What would it look like if the church today imitated Jesus’ affirmation of the full dignity and God-given potential of all women and men—especially those who’ve historically been assigned to the world’s margins? On World Communion Sunday your giving helps to provide scholarships for national and international graduate students whom God has gifted to learn and to serve.

And at Zion UMC you will experience the special Communion with a world's diverse breads that will be made by the people of Zion UMC.



All Saints Sunday

Many churches celebrate All Saints Day with services of remembrance of saints. It is seldom that Protestants are gathered on November 1, so many churches observe All Saints Sunday each year on the Sunday following November 1. It is a day to remember the saints, "saints" by the New Testament meaning of "all Christian people of every time and place." It is a day to celebrate the communion of saints as we remember those who have died, both in our local congregations and throughout the Church universal.



At Zion UMC in Hampshire IL, people will remember the faithful servants of the congregation who had gone before by lighting candles and sharing their pictures during Sunday morning worship service. We will call their names and share memories that they left in our hearts. 


Come and join us to remember the great legacy that our ancestors and friends in faith has given us. 


Please send digital photo to or submit the hard copy of photo to pastor DooSoo by October 30th. 

World Commu
all Saints

Zion United Methodist Church

Church Office 847-683-2430



157 W. Jefferson St. PO BOX 515,

Hampshire IL 60140

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